Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Talk is Cheap

by Fred Vilbig

In the Epistle of James, the author criticizes those who say they are saved by faith alone. He points out that even the demons believe that there is only one God, but that does not save them. Rather, they shudder at the thought. He states clearly that man is justified by faith and works, and not by faith alone. James 2:31-46. Even Jesus talked about judging people based on what they have done. Matt. 25:31-46.

Luther hated the Epistle of James. He called it the “epistle of straw” because it conflicted with his doctrine of “sola fide” or “faith alone.” He felt that it was only by faith that we are saved. Works seem to be irrelevant to him.

As Catholics, we side with Jesus and James. Talk alone is cheap. You have to live your faith to make it real; otherwise, it’s just imaginary. We are known and will be judged by our actions. It goes without saying that our actions proceed from what we believe, but our beliefs alone are not enough.

So the question to all of us is, “What am I doing to make my faith real?” 

Another way to say it is, “How am I practicing my faith?” Am I fulfilling Christ’s command and going to Mass? Luke 22:19, et al. Am I going to confession? (“Repent and believe the Good News!” Mark 1:15.) Are you practicing acts of charity? Matt. 25:31-46. Are you studying the Bible? (“Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of Christ!” St. Jerome.)

In addition to the Church’s sacraments at Holy Infant, men have a unique opportunity to act on and grow in their faith: PX90. We meet almost every Saturday during the school year from 7-8:30 (early enough to avoid kid’s activities). Typically there is a presentation followed by some discussions. We talk about our faith, our church, our world, and what we are called to do in our own lives. Given the problems that we are facing in our world, I for one really appreciate the opportunity to talk with other men of faith about my own faith life. Where else are you going to be able to do that?

If you’ve never attended, please consider this your personal invitation. If you’ve been before, please come back and see what we have in store for this year. We hope to see you there.

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