Thursday, October 25, 2018

Two Years

October 26th, 2016 will always be a somber day for so many of us.  It marks the two year anniversary of the passing of our beloved priest and friend Tim Bannes. Such an amazing out pouring of love and sentiment followed that day.  Looking back I’ve never seen a funeral where an entire community came together like that to pay tribute to a life well lived.

For the rest of us, life goes on.  It feels a bit strange at times.  There was a part of you that you cherished and is now gone.  You try to fill it with something else, but it’s not the same.  You are happy that your friend is at peace in a place far better than here, but the human part of us feels slighted.  Something was taken from us.  Why?

It is part of our human nature to connect with others.  Our spouse, our children, family and friends.  A bond starts to grow that brings joy and comfort to life.  But undoubtedly, those bonds will break. Children grow up, friends move out of town, and parents pass away.  Why does God let us fall in love, just to have our hearts broken?

I think the answer is for us to appreciate the present moments, all while realizing that everything on earth is fleeting.  If I really understood and accepted that the things around me are temporary, it wouldn’t be so painful to say goodbye.  Everything in this world has a season, and that’s ok. We enjoy it while it lasts, and have hope and trust that new relationships and adventure still lie in front of us.

I wonder if this might be one of the reasons the church continues to move priests from parish to parish.  Just when they start to build bonds of friendship and community, they rotate them away.  Why? Because the church continues to point us to one truth:  The only lasting permanent relationship you will ever have is with God - not with your favorite priest, your high school sweetheart, or your first born son. This is a hard teaching, since it is built into our very being to love.  It’s the one common desire we all share.  When we have it, our lives feel full of beauty and wonder.  When it’s taken from us, a cold darkness blankets our days.

So as I write this, I’m thinking back on my friend. The red leaves on the tree in my front yard are slowly one by one blowing off and into the wind.  It was only a few months ago that they were blooming green buds at the tips of the branches.  I miss him. But in the same way I’m happy for my children to move out of the house and start a life of their own, I’m happy for Tim.  The natural progressions in life comes with a mourning of what was, but with that comes the joy of what will be.  I accept that the lives around me are passing through, and I will enjoy them while they last, until that one day, when we are united in the one relationship that will never end.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

"The 'Gospel' of Tolerance"

As I had prepared to contribute this week, we were approaching the feast day (Oct. 19) of the North American Martyrs. These missionaries were martyred for their faith ministering to Huron and Iroquois tribes in North America. I am rather fond of St. Isaac Jogues and chose to name my first son after this incredible servant. You can learn a bit more about these amazing men by watching this intriguing video by Chris Stefanick:

I have been struggling for several days putting my thoughts together in a coherent manner surrounding a topic that seems to permeate my mind from time to time; the topic of tolerance. For years, I've been inspired to read more about what our Catholic faith teaches about eternal love and our culture's growing tendency to push tolerance in spite of eternal consequences. Some of the things I've read may be too heady. Others too opinionated. What I read several months ago, I bookmarked and thought I'd pull it out again on a rainy day. Well, here's that rainy day. My own attempts at joining the ranks of writing on this topic fell short of my standards. I like what this author has already pieced together so rather than reinvent the wheel that ends up having 4 sides, let me just give credit to the original wheel.

This article below was published back in September of 2011 by Jennifer Hartline. She even borrowed much of her article from an earlier writer, Stacy Trasancos, mentioned in her piece. So, this is her take on "The 'Gospel' of Tolerance." While the original post focuses on a single sin to which we are encouraged to be more tolerant, personally I try not to hyper-focus. Let's consider all sins to which culture says we need to become more tolerant:

Monday, October 8, 2018


“Over all these virtues put on love, which binds the rest together and makes them perfect.” Col. 3:14  Do I clothe myself with love over everything else, over whatever style is popular, over whatever way I may be seeking to define or distinguish myself?   

“Dad, you’re wearing one brown sock, one black?”  Does what I wear say something about me?  I’m colorblind. 
More shirts than dresser space, I set out to reduce and simplify.  How many shirts do I need?  Which do I consider donating?  Does what I wear signify who I am?  Am I too attached?

The first I pull: Komen Race for the Cure  Hope Strength Support Courage Community  
Words, reprinted in the languages of our international brothers and sisters, fill a pink heart.
My wife slept in this shirt following the most emotionally draining surgery in her life.
It was also the surgery that extended her life.  Tears give way to a smile.  I’m not big on pink, but my wife says I wear it well.  I keep it. 

I recalled wearing a suit on game days as a varsity athlete.  I stood taller, distinguished among my peers who did not compete.  When we traveled, hosts knew we were the guests, the athletes.  Coaches and teachers always reminded us we represented a larger group, our school, our community by our appearance.  Has my mindset changed? 
Former players quote from my favorite mantra I designed on a team shirt.  Failure is not an option.”  Losing a game or loss in life is not failure as long as one performs and bounces back with the best of who they are.  A Texan filled the back side.  We’ll fight ‘em until hell freezes over and then we’ll fight ‘em on the ice.” 
I keep the team memory and set the shirt aside for another to promote the mantra forward.

Am I willing to give away, sometimes to the point of discomfort?
HI life.  Celebrated 26 years of marriage while hiking with my family in Hawaii.  I’m HI on life!
Infinite # of math expressions splattered across fabric.  Creation’s mysteries coded in science.  I marvel in discoveries as they were, are now, and are yet to come.
Lone Wolf’s Midnight Howl.  ascend love paddle camp run ski swim live ride catch pedal climb walk board laugh see explore.  Color fading, but not my memory.  Ran beneath the stars.  I chewed dust as my 8 yr. old roadrunner cruised to victory in her first 5k!  She’s still running.  I’m still collecting memories.
giving away
Princeton Engineering. Gift from student.  Difficult to surrender.  We’ve become good friends.  I need to drop some pounds.  I once fit into this shirt.  Wore it in gratitude of teaching and friendship.  Perhaps, a dreamer will wear with a vision of possibilities.
Life is good.  Enjoy the ride.  Hoping someone will feel better along the journey.  I did.
Engineering w/o Borders.   Women in Engineering chocolate run.  Ran in support of former female students studying at Missouri Science & Technology.  How’d “chocolate” make their title?  I laugh in warmth and wonder.  They’re engineers now!
Forest Park XC Festival.  Sentimental favorite.  My daughter finished 2nd during her freshman year.  Doesn’t fit well.  Someone will wear it better than I.
Run for Congo-women for women international.  This was the first of three annual events in which my daughter then in middle school helped organize a fundraiser.  She’s grown in courage, compassion, and generosity.  I never medal, but I did in this one.  The medals hang with our picture I’d framed.  I don’t need three shirts.
Hope Square Blitz Build.  Two 17-student crews, two homes completed in two weeks.  Lots of nay-sayers, one amazing music video, another to be a Habitat billboard, two ecstatic families!     
Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering.  Gift from students; one a surgeon, another a neural researcher, both of immigrant parents.  Worn holes into it.  Retired it.

Can clothes send a powerful message?
Labor of Love-Micah Project.  My colleague coaxed me to run 5k to support a Honduran orphanage for boys.  She lovingly adopted a Honduran son!
Breakfast Club MS Walk.  Awful disabling disease.  Wear friend’s ugly design for fundraising once a year honoring another wonderful friend battling the disease. 
Hope for Haiti.  Locally supported Haitian mission school.  Reminds me of my sister’s medical mission.  Lots of dedicated folks.
Be Bold  Be Fearless  Be More.  Race for the Cure.  Historically, my daughter’s favorite run.  We’d been running in memory of good friends long before my wife, her mother began her enduring battle with cancer.  Both my girls are bolder, more fearless than I.  God provided more.
giving away
Never Alone when you walk with God.  Backpacker on shirt a lot like me.  I’ve worn it in the backcountry often.  Let someone else know they are never alone.

Can I shed the life I’ve had to enter a new one?
Macklind Mile.  Set personal record.  Let me know my aging body can still get up and move!
Sublette Lumber & Supply.  My brother-in-law’s yard.  Where I am from is important to me.
High Magnetic Field-epinephrine.  Crystalline structure printed on tie.  Child miracle drug used to treat severe allergic reactions.  Wore while teaching biochemistry class. 
Gave several ties away.  Not much of a tie guy.
giving away
KU Basketball-Rock Chalk Jayhawks!  Alumni.  Formed lifetime friends.  National title.  Badgered by sibling families 100% K-State.  Harassed by Tiger fans locally.  Need to be Rock-loyal to wear this one. 
Parkway South Robotics 10010011110.  Donut Master  Now I know why they keep me around.  Trip to World Championships memorable and best yet!
Operation Clean Stream.  Clean stream junkie.  Incredible graphics.  Littered with Missouri fish species.  Gave to a friend who’s crazy about fishing. 

God hijacked my task!  While I thought, I was simplifying, He seeded the entire time with recollections of sacramental moments!  I wear what is important to me, what I love; memories, blessings, values, convictions, gifts, support.  I engage in an active lifestyle glimpsing the kingdom Jesus describes.  In shedding some clothes, I am not giving away my old self, but freeing myself to embrace who I am in the present.    

What sacramental moments are hidden in your dresser or closet?
“Over all these virtues put on love . . .” Wear the love well.  It is what binds us all together! 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

God Speaks on the Radio

God Speaks on the Radio

I’m certain God speaks to me.  I am also certain that I’m never quite sure exactly when He does.  Every time I think He is speaking to me, loud and clear, I begin to question whether I’m actually putting ideas into my own head.  How can I ever be certain?

I knew I was on schedule to write a blog post this week, so I kept my ears open to anything and everything God might be trying to tell me to write about.  After coming out of reconciliation recently, which arguably should be the time I am most predisposed to hear the Word of God, I started my car and Twisted Sister’s 1980’s rock anthem “We’re Not Gonna Take It” came blaring over the radio.  Hmm, what was God trying to tell me?  I wondered what secret faith-filled message was contained in Dee Snider’s familiar vocals.  There have been a number of former head-banging stars who have swapped party lifestyles for clean living and dedication to Christianity.  Could one of the most outrageous-looking hair-band leaders of the 80’s be one of those inspirational stories?

Maybe it was something else.  The popular song has been adopted as the inspirational anthem by school teachers, conservative politicians, and even Christian bands, with slightly modified lyrics in the latter instance.  On the other hand, there is a line in the song that says “We’ve got the right to choose it…”  Perhaps that was a dig at the Pro-Life position. 

Even though the lyrics are extremely tame by today’s standards, it was one of the major focuses in the 1985 federal hearings that brought about warning labels on music.  Those hearings were prompted by the Parents Music Resource Center, which was a committee spearheaded by Tipper Gore, among others.  Al Gore was one of the senators leading questioning.  Hmm, maybe I was supposed to be on the lookout against the Gores.  Maybe it had to do with censorship?  I have no idea what I was supposed to be getting out of all this. 

The next day I started my car and turned the radio to my next pre-set station.  Covenant Network Catholic Radio came on.  They were in the midst of a telethon to raise money for ongoing expenses and continued expansion of the network.  Because of Covenant Network, Catholic radio programming can be heard on stations across at least 5 states, and worldwide when listened online.

And so, I’m now absolutely certain…maybe 85 or 90%...that God spoke to me through Catholic radio, and wanted me to pass it along.  I can say with complete honesty, that Catholic radio has helped me to learn more about my faith and grow in my belief.  I encourage you to tune in.  I listen on AM 1460, but there are several FM & AM options that come in throughout different parts of the region.  Visit to find out more info.  You can view a list of stations, listen online, or find out more about the history of Covenant Network.  I encourage you to click on the “About” section, where many of you will recognize a familiar face or two.

As we hear in 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, paraphrased, be sure to check out everything, and grab on to what is good.  For me, Catholic radio has been a great blessing.  If you don’t already listen, I encourage you to check it out, and if you find it to be good, grab onto it.  If you listen this week, you’ll hear what’s left of the telethon.  The volunteers taking part in the telethon make for some interesting radio, and you may hear a familiar voice now and then, but I also encourage you to check out their normal programming schedule.  Throughout each day, there is something for everyone, no matter where you find yourself in your current faith journey. 

Oh…and also loosely referenced in Thessalonians, you can throw out the first few paragraphs about Twisted Sister.  Sometimes we have to dig through the noise to find something good worth holding onto.  Sometimes we just have to change the station.

written by: Matt Buehrig