Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Matthew 19:16-22

"...and he walked away sad because he had many possessions."

I have many possessions...
Maubane - that's where we were heading.  I was sitting on a bus with my wife and daughter.  We were joined by a host of other parents and their wandering child. All of us held onto a bit of anxiety as we rode along the highway, for we did not know what to expect... 

We turned off the expressway and soon dust clouds billowed up as we traveled dirt roads.  A small village came into view - townships they are called - with rows of single-story structures missing doors and windows.  Our destination was in sight.  Our bus slowly weaved around the potholes until we reached the front of the school - a fenced in area with a few dilapidated buildings forming the edges of a courtyard.  You could hear the excitement of the children as we walked through the gate...

In the center of the yard were 2 columns of tables under a big-top tent providing shade from the noonday sun.  Sitting at the tables, as quietly as their teachers could keep them, were bundles of excitement.  As the food was unloaded and organized, I walked around hoping to engage some of that energy.  Soon dishes of pap (a cornmeal based porridge) and Feijoada (stew) were being vacuumed up by little hands and smiling mouths.  If I closed my eyes and just listened, long forgotten lunchroom memories would come to mind.
For some unknown reason I was drawn to a table of little boys, probably 6 or 7 years old.  That first couple of minutes after the meal were a little tense and awkward as our initial fears ran the show.  I saw my daughter engaging the little ones at her table by playing a simple game of shoulder-tap-then-look-away-that-wasn't-me-that-was-him.  I gave that a try with my crew, and soon some big smiles and laughter joined us at the table.  I produced an item from my backpack, a small single LED flashlight  which gathered much attention.  We started shining it in each others ears, noses and mouths.  That got the little munchkins close enough for some tickling to start.  The smiles got bigger and the laughter louder and longer.   I had to start to call time-outs every so often so we could rest and breathe...

And just like that we were buddies, friends, compadres.... me and four little guys from Maubane, South Africa....It didn't matter that we didn't speak the same language, or have the same skin color, or wear the same clothes, or live the same lives...we were just a bunch of God's children having fun under a tent at recess...time stood still for I don't know how long as we laughed and played...rarely in life have I known a purer joy...
 All the older kids were called over to perform.  We moved our chairs to make room for a stage up front.  30 or so middle-school to teenage kids sang and danced for the Lord, and for us, with all they had.  My 4 little guys hung around, a couple sitting on my lap, and we played some more shoulder-tap-it-was-him.  

And then all of the sudden it was time to say goodbye...I didn't want to say goodbye...
Things got awkward again like before cause we really didn't know what to do, didn't know how to say goodbye to these little angels who we just got to know but already loved.   This feeling started to well up within me - how is this fair Lord, why do you bless me with so much yet these sweet young children might not get another meal til tomorrow. 
No answer came my way....none has since as the question still haunts my consciousness...
Fighting off tears I said goodbye and hugged each one of my new friends with a deep, abiding embrace.  Then I walked to the bus, feeling weightless and disoriented.  As everyone climbed on, the kids stood by, sneaking in one last smile.  We drove off with the kids running alongside, waving and cheering.
Odds are I will never see them again...At least not this side of heaven...

"...and he walked away sad because he had many possessions."

I have many possessions...

1 comment:

Erika said...

Jim, this is the hard part of opening your heart... Thank you for sharing! I have that every time I need to leave and I feel that we have not done what could be done for the ones the Lord has allowed to cross our path... Many tears have flowed! My own "debrief" after you guys have left, I have packed in a box to be looked at later! Then the holiday school materialized and I was able to see them again... then leaving again and now trying to get the program together with what I have... It is painful work!

Than you for praying and giving!