Thursday, April 3, 2014

I'm Awake Now

I've got a friend in the parish, Adam.  I'd guess that he is in his mid-thirties - a big, muscular guy.  I think he told me once he played football in college.  Adam was one of the finalists in the arm-wrestling tournament we had at PX90 a few weeks back (yes, we have arm-wrestling at PX90 - ask Bob Phillips what that's all about).  Adam and his wife are active in the parish.  She is currently going through RCIA; He plays basketball on Monday nights, is a regular at PX90, and goes to most of the Men's Club events.

Adam sent me an email the other day, and I can't seem to get it out of my mind.  It gives me chills each time I read it (which has been a few times a day).  I asked if I could share it, and Adam courageously agreed. 

I usually am extremely regimented in the morning on the series of tasks that I have to achieve in order to get out the door at the specific time I need to in order to get to the office by 7 a.m. so that I can start my day. My job runs at an extremely fast pace, more so than any other job I have had in the sales profession I would say. I feel that if I am not in early and focused, I lose money. The mornings are always stressful it seems.

A funny thing happened to me this morning...

 I woke up to start my day just as I always do. Except when I awoke, I didn’t think of the deals that I had in front of me for the week, I did not think of the biggest sale of my career awaiting me this Thursday. I didn’t think about the series of tasks I had to do to get out that door to get right back into another door.

I was finding myself thinking about the day totally different. Even as I write you this email, the phone has rung several times and I think I probably have a couple text messages and the emails “dings” just keep coming.

I have not even flinched to stop typing, still smiling.

A funny thing happened to me this morning, I woke up and was at a place of peace that I have never felt in my entire life.

I’m awake now. 

I'm wide awake and ready to serve.



So what prompted Adam to write this email?  What did he do or experience that has seemed to take this already faithful man and move him to another level?  How did he find that PEACE that we all are so desperately seeking?  What happened to awaken God's Spirit within him with such intensity?  What has happened to transform his life?

Adam spent the weekend on a Christ Renews His Parish retreat.

Those of us who have been know of what Adam speaks of here - or at least we did at one time.  We know how God touches hearts and transforms lives up in Rosario Hall.  We were once awakened like Adam - remember that FIRE?  My prayer for all CRHP alum is that slumber hasn't once again overtaken you.  If so, maybe a new awakening is calling.... 

So the next time someone invites you to CRHP, I hope you will think of Adam, this email and his new-found peace.  Be honest and courageous enough to give the invitation some real consideration.  God places His blessings in those 30 hours for us all to partake of.


Chris said...

Thanks Jim, and Thanks Adam for sharing.

I’m touched at your realizing what’s important.

So many times we just turn the crank, complete this task and go to the next without much thought (we have to feed our families). Today I’ll be playing hooky from work. A friend from a former (yet always present part) of my life is in town today before heading to some planning conference for the Army Reserves. He was a sergeant when I suggested to him to submit his direct commission packet to lieutenant and that’s the rank he went to Iraq wearing. We talked this earlier this week and he’s made the rank of Major and I’m so proud him.

People come into our lives every day. It can be a “Hi” or a “Yo!” or a nod for an acknowledgement. Many of you know my mom passed away last year unexpectedly. Her birthday was Tuesday. Let the people you love know it.

Take some time and think about what’s important, what blessings are in your life as Jim and Adam have done, take a breath and give thanks. Enjoy the calm and grace God has waiting for you to accept. Fr. Chris spent some time in yesterday’s homily on “though a mother forsake her child, He will not abandon you.”

Anonymous said...

What a great post... This continues to demonstrate the importance of CRHP. We are all blessed by our God our CRHP brothers and our Holy Infant parish..
