Monday, August 1, 2016

The Good Must Associate

“All that is necessary for evil to prevail, is that good men do nothing.”
The above is one common version of a quote attributed to Edmond Burke, an Irish statesman from the 18th Century. Although the origins are unclear, and the quoted versions are numerous, some believe his original statement was closer to the following:
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in contemptible struggle.”
These two versions are certainly similar, but I believe the original statement is even more profound. In the version we commonly hear today, individuals are called to step forward. It is an appeal to gallantry. Heroes…”good men”…are called to step up, in order to prevent evil from prevailing.

In the original version, we are called to be vigilant. We must monitor what others are doing. When someone is “bad”, we must be courageous enough to recognize it as “bad”. No political correctness allowed.

The good are not called to step up and face evil alone. We are called to “associate”…to unite. Not simply to prevent evil from prevailing, but to keep other good men from falling prey. Evil does not conquer the world through huge battles and obvious victories. Rather, it conquers one by one. It brings about the fall of individuals…”an unpitied sacrifice in contemptible struggle.”

What can we, as individuals, do? We can do everything that society says we shouldn’t. We can strive to find others who are like us, as opposed to striving for individualism. We can call out evil for what it is, as opposed to allowing it to persist under the falsehoods of “choice” and “freedom”.

Jesus is our shepherd, and he called us his sheep. It was the evil one that was referred to as a wolf, or as a lion, prowling about the earth in search of souls. When sheep congregate, they find safety. When they stick together, they find rest under the protection of a watchful eye.

And so I say, read the bible. Study the teachings of the church. Familiarize yourself with all that is good and right. If you recognize that someone has strayed, whether it is a friend, your child, or your spouse, try to bring them back to the comfort of the flock. But do not put yourself at risk. Do not expose your own soul to evil teachings and wrong thought, else you may be the next to fall. We do not have to be strong enough to battle evil on our own. Congregate with those who are good. Allow them to accompany you in your struggles and your battles.

Px90, TOOL, CRHP, ACTS, Bible Study, Daily Mass, Frequent Reconciliation…these are all beneficial ways to unite ourselves with the good around us. Seek out that which is good, and with it, associate yourself. Alone, we are but men. Together, we are the Body of Christ.

-Matt Buehrig

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