Sunday, February 8, 2015

What do Elephants got to do with it?

How did early man come to know a Creator or to even conceive of One, an Awesome God?  Ritual dating back as far as 70000 B.C. evolved to rites of passage, thanksgiving, reconciliation and eventually to sacraments following the introduction of Judaism and Christianity.  Beside the desire to find meaning …, what evidence led early man to consider a Creator?  What preceded the developmental questions of superstition and faith?  Why of course, the earliest revelation, and by far the richest, is creation and we’re in it

Nature preceded all biblical records and religions.  Her elegance, magnificence extends beyond comprehension. From infancy, humanity continuously uncovers numerous laws translating them to symbols and mathematics to describe nature’s characteristics and to harness her many resources.   Tribes discovered something “beyond” and “inside” their humanity through their shared observations, experiences, and journeys.  The great “I Am,” the Spirit breathed life into all beings, all creatures, the plants for the harvest, light birthing new life in Spring, darkness inviting reflection in Winter, and the cycles of life through to death and beyond. 

Have we surrendered our powers and openness to observation? 

Line approaching the Anthony house
Wildlife biologist and elephant whisperer, Lawrence Anthony, dedicated his life to saving rogue elephants and establishing two reserves in his homeland, South Africa.  Working alongside natives in the Thula Thula Reserve , Anthony rehabilitated disenchanted, traumatized elephants banned from their herds.  He reintroduced them into two national parks and monitored their progress while forming new herds.  On March 2, 2012, the well-respected conservationist died from cardiac failure at his home in KwaZulu.  Throughout the next two days, elephants traveled from the farthest grazing lands of the parks, some traveling more than half a day to reach the Anthony homestead.  The elephants had not visited the residential grounds in over a year and half.  One herd arrived on a Sunday and another a day later.  Grieving the loss of a dear friend, they came in honor and thanksgiving for Anthony’s dedication and care.  The elephants remained vigilant for two days before returning to their grass lands in the Reserve. 
How did the elephants know their guardian had died?  How did two independent herds travel different routes to the same destination within a day of each other?  Why did they leave at the same time, together?  How did their individual brokenness mend in order for the rogues to unite  to grow into two herds? What would the tribes learn from this behavior, this community?  What do we learn from Anthony’s work and the elephants’ journey? 

Sighted leading the blind
As I watched the stills of elephants in the video clip, I recognized elephants modeling analogous human expressions of hope, compassion, joy, and love.  The video lyrics, “Something inside so strong” resonates with the “Great Spirit” breathing in all creation.  (Though I like the film, this was not intended to be an endorsement for the creators of the film.)  Dogs have adapted not only to assist the blind, but to assist blind dogs as well.  (See Ben Harris’ blog August 2014.) Many praised an awkward, misfit Secretariat as an equine messenger of the Lord lifting the spirits of fans across an economically depressed country
As the human race destroys our environment, we are extinguishing revelation.  Are we pro-planet?  Take care of your land, water, air, and the resources we all share.  Feed the birds of the sky.  Navigate the stars of the heavens.  Give thanksgiving for life taken in the hunt. Observe!  Creation’s Spirit breathes!

We sense an outdoor Mass coming soon :-)!

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