Thursday, January 30, 2020

In the World

Image result for cold weather shorts

I was driving my daughter to school the other day through my neighborhood when we passed a bunch of high-school aged kids standing at their bus stop. Even though it was below freezing outside, most were not dressed for the weather missing coats, hats and gloves (I’m sure making their mothers proud). One kid in particular, though, caught my eye. He was dressed like he was heading to the beach – in shorts and a t-shirt. Hands deep in his pockets, he was bouncing a little trying his best to keep his teeth from chattering, hoping to hide the shivers that must have been bubbling up inside him.

When I see this kind of behavior, I wonder at the motivation of what many would characterize as lunacy. Humankind is the one creature with the ability to act in defiance to what their environment might be tell them is the correct course to take. Something inside this young man moved him to willingly endure the suffering of prolonged direct skin contact with below-zero temperatures in order to serve another purpose that he found worthy or valuable. I might not agree with the worth of that motivation, but I do recognize the courage and audacity required to manifest it in the midst of difficult circumstances.

This encounter brought about some reflection – are there situations in my own life where my motivations are strong enough so as to manifest behavior that would make others look upon my actions as lunacy? Are there beliefs I hold that would built in me the strength and courage to endure certain suffering, both physical and social, to uphold?

If you are one trying to swim in the US culture of today, it is becoming more and more a reality that being a person of faith is one such situation. If we are willing to publicly display our faith in the one true God, others are no doubt looking at us like I was looking at the young man in the beachwear. I’m sure many question the motivation, and wonder at the mental capability involved. Such behavior can lead to the loss of many things, including status, friendships and financial success.

It is a calculated action, just like the young man who woke up that morning and, knowing the temperature outside, made the conscious choice to wear something he knew did not conform to the environment. 
 We were created to bloom where we are planted, even if it is a garden filled with weeds…to be in the world, but not of it…

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