Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Wthin Your Wounds Hide Me

One of the blessings in my life lately has been daily Mass.  Over the past few years daily Mass had been part of my Lenten sacrifice.  Then, last year I attended a Mission given by Father Larry Richards.  If any of you have ever seen him in person or on video, you know Father Larry has great passion and a gift for connecting with people, especially men.   I was struck by his emphasis on a daily holy hour - it seemed to be vital to his walk with Christ and a source of his daily strength.    As Lent came to an end I decided to see if I could continue to take part in the daily celebration of Mass, inspired by Father Larry...and here we are almost a year later and I am still going.  Please say a prayer for me that I may continue...

From this increased emphasis and exposure to scripture and the heart of Our Lord in the Eucharist, my life has changed.  I see things differently, spend more time in reflection of my daily life and the place of Christ within it.  By no means have the red seas parted and my path made straight...if anything I would say that more and more distractions have come to the fore.  Unfortunately if you asked my wife she would probably hesitate to say that I have changed much.  It is in the interior self - in my attitudes, motivations and intentions - where I notice the change.

God has shown me that He is deeply in love with me, and wants so much more for me than I even want for myself.  This revelation brings fear and trepidation as I instinctually cling to what is known and comfortable.  I am slowly learning to let go, to allow His will to be my will, to become a man fully alive.  No doubt the daily reminder in Mass of His sacrifice for me strengthens my resolve as I travel that road - without it I suspect that the knock He is making at my door would go unanswered... 

 I have come to savor the time after Eucharist, when Christs Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity becomes infused into mine.  Recently I have been overcome with gratitude, and have found the Anima Chisti, the prayer below, as one way to manifest that emotion.  Often as I recite the 7th line, a tear or two comes to my eyes...

Soul of Christ, sanctify me;
Body of Christ, save me;
Blood of Christ, inebriate me;
Water from the side of Christ, wash me;
Passion of Christ, strengthen me;
O good Jesus hear me;
Within your wounds hide me;
separated from you, let me never be;
From the evil one protect me;
At the hour of my death, call me;
And close to you bid me; That with your saints,
I may be praising you forever and ever.


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