Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Fuzzy Lining

Anyone who has siblings can appreciate the little rivalries between those who share the same home growing up. During times of interaction with a rival sibling it seems to be vastly important to establish that you are right – doesn’t matter what your level of knowledge is on the subject being argued or where the real truth actually lies. There have been times where my children will assert their opinion as absolute truth in defense of their position, when in fact it later comes out that they did not really know for sure what the truth was. In our family this mode of argument has come to be known as “Fuzzy Lining,” and it is often used as a verb, as in “Kevin, are you fuzzy lining again?”

As I watch what is going on in our society today, I wonder if there is some fuzzy lining going on…

I wonder if many in our society are still interested in finding truth. I question if people are running through the process of digging into something, stewing on the different sides of it, looking to the past for wisdom and guidance, understanding the distinctions that define both sides and discerning the truth behind a topic or course of action. This approach is work and it takes time, effort and a openness to follow wherever the trial might lead. In our world of instant gratification filled with distraction and convenience, I wonder how many people are still willing to follow this path when they go about forming their opinions.

Instead of truth, are people more interested in being right?

This might seem like the same thing to some – doesn’t being right mean the same thing as finding the truth? This is where things start to get fuzzy…

There are many definitions of the word ‘Right.’ The most common usage does fill that link with truth (from dictionary.com- in conformity with fact, reason, truth or some standard or principle, i.e. the right solution, the right answer). But there is also a meaning of 'right' that is relative, more subjective to the person making the statement (also from dictionary.com - something that is most convenient, desirable or favorable, i.e. Omaha is the right location for a meatpacking firm). I guess my concern is that often when someone asserts they are 'right' when arguing a point, they are using that term in this subjective manner, actually expressing what they find desirable and favorable and NOT what they have earnestly investigated and discerned to be the truth. Is their position being swayed more by pop culture and sentimentalism than any real logic or reasoned approach? If so then in my mind this is fuzzy lining.

So my challenge to us all is to take some time and look at some of the important issues we are facing today as a society and faith community...which side of the line are you walking, and how did you form your view to make that choice? How fuzzy is that line and what can you do to make it clearer? Are you willing to take an honest informed look at both sides and, hopefully guided by the Holy Spirit, discern for yourself where the truth actually lies?

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