Thursday, March 26, 2015

Trust and Responsibility

A friend of mine shared a story about having a rough week.  One of the challenges he faced was having to put down the family dog who, although loving and gentle with the family, would at times be overprotective and finally bit someone.

He shared with me how the dog had total trust with him as they went to the clinic.  Wagging his tail, with no real understanding of what was coming.  Even as they injected the deadly serum into his veins, the dog looked lovingly into his master's eyes, knowing that he was in good hands.

As men of God, we too are called to have that kind of trust and devotion.  To submit to His will, with total obedience.  If we believe that He knows what is best for us, and are willing to go where he takes us, "To whom shall I fear."  We follow, even when He takes us down what seems to be dark and scary places.

The other lesson I took from this story was the heavy burden of leadership.  Often times it goes unnoticed, but as men, we are asked to make tough decisions.  Decisions that aren't always popular.  In the case of my friend who put his dog down, his son didn't understand, and was furious that his loving father who let something like this happen to something he loved so dearly.  How often have we felt that way about our loving Father.

In the end, we learn to follow Him with the faith of a simple mind, and we lead those who are in our care with strength and courage.  It's isn't easy, and at times we fail at both.  But it is our great calling. Our path to heaven.  Our daily work.

So don't be discouraged, and no matter how tempting it might be to chart your own course, or avoid responsibility - stand firm.  There can be no victory without a battle, and every day we are given the gift of being able to chose.

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