Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Christ Renews His Parish

Matthew 22:1-46
And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast, but they would not come. Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, See, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast.’ But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, ...
Holy Infant Parish will host a men’s retreat, Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), on March 25-26, 2017. If you have attended a previous CRHP you’ll remember what a wonderful, spiritually refreshing experience it was. If you have not yet attended CRHP this blog post is our direct appeal that you will prayerfully consider joining us.

My CRHP experience began in late 2015 with my PX90 brother Bob Phillips “encouraging” me to attend the January 2016 retreat. While reluctant to commit I knew in my heart that Jesus desired my attendance, and once Bob and Kevin Montgomery also agreed to attend I was in. I am private person; maybe even a little introverted, having always considered my faith to be private as well. Groups like PX90 and CRHP have helped me open up and grow spiritually.

CRHP 35 was a restful, reflective, and contemplative examination of my Catholic faith. I felt like the Formation Team had somehow tapped into my head and heart. How could these guys be so much like me? There were lots of laughs, and quietly nodding heads as we listened to each other. I am reminded of that weekend often, especially when I see the other men who attended that weekend with me, now my brothers.

At the conclusion of the retreat I realized that it would be good for me, and for the successful continuation of CRHP to join the next Formation Team. In order to continue growing spiritually I needed to take this next step of Catholic ministry. As a member of the CRHP 36 Formation Team I was blessed with even more grace and well-being. Seeing the connection we were making with the CRHP 36 men was very rewarding to me, and I could feel my Lord’s love fill the room. I actually got more enjoyment out of giving this CRHP than attending my first.

It would be unfair to discuss retreat content, but I can guarantee you will be pleased that you invested in a weekend of spiritual renewal. This is not a silent retreat. You’ll connect on an emotional and spiritual level with men who are like you. Admit it; it’s tough sometimes being a man in today’s world. Home, work, and societal pressures abound and we are expected to be the strong leaders our families need. You do not get many opportunities to have meaningful Catholic faith conversations with other guys. Over two days you’ll hear personal faith witnesses and participate in Sacraments (including a Reconciliation service), discussions, group activities, and personal reflection that will resonate deeply with each of you. You will not be expected to speak publicly, but your active participation rewards both you and the other men attending. A Eucharistic Celebration Mass concludes our weekend.

The retreat is free and all events are conducted at Holy Infant. We start at 8AM Saturday and conclude mid-afternoon Sunday. Delicious hot meals are provided, and special dietary needs are available upon request. Lots of food and snacks – you won’t go hungry. Attendees will spend Saturday night at Holy Infant School sleeping on inflatable mattresses (not as terrible as it sounds!). You just need to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and toiletries. Anyone needing other accommodations may go home for the night.

Holy Infant has been conducting CRHP for over 20 years and has enriched the lives of over 500 men. Please join us on March 25th. You won’t regret it.

for CRHP Formation Team 37,

Mike Hey

Proverbs 17
Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”.

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