Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Everybody's Working For The Weekend

I recently played in a charity golf tournament with my dad.  On a weekday.  During a busy time at work.  It was a beautiful day.  Despite the flooded sand traps, and having to keep the carts on the path, and losing 14 balls, and heading back to the office to address a few things after the round was over, it was still a great time.  I haven’t done that in years.

Growing up my dad worked ridiculously long hours.  Our business is real estate, and most of my childhood memories go back to the boom of the 80’s.  The trade-off of the long hours was that there were always banks, partners, and vendors who took him golfing.  During nice weather, I’m sure he was on the course once a week.  I guess that’s a fair trade for 80+ hours in the office.

In reality, the long hours and hard work were invested more for the payoff of financial security than for golf outings.  He made a good living, and we were blessed.  I have continued the family business and am a full-time Real Estate Broker.  I’m one of the crazy few who specialize in commercial & residential & land.  That means I have to keep normal daytime hours in the office for our commercial clients, work nights and weekends with our residential clients, and also be ready to visit a vacant site in any season. 

Why am I telling you this?  #1 – You’re a captive audience, and I’ll take a little free marketing anywhere I can get it!  But seriously, #2 – Even though the golf outings are few and far between now, I do work hard for the simple trade-offs of a little relaxation when I can get it.  My biggest goal for my off-hours is to spend time with those I love the most.  My family.

This weekend, I’m looking forward to a 3-day break, spent camping in the woods.  It’s easily been a month since I’ve taken a full day off.  I’m looking forward to 3 of them in a row.  When’s the last time you had even a single day off without checking emails?  That’s why my off-time so often involves locations with poor cell reception.  I want to find some uninterrupted time to focus on my loved ones whenever I can get it.

Most years I can squeeze in maybe 2 cumulative weeks of vacation.  I always try to force at least one full, unbroken week, and always spend it with my wonderful family.  50 weeks of working hard is the price for the payoff of 2+/- weeks to fully and completely enjoy the company of those I love most.

I don’t say any of this to appear a martyr or as some workaholic.  I say it, because I think most of you can relate.  I don’t think I am the exception, but am more the norm.  And whether you’re working hard to be able to afford a beautiful house, comfort & security, or just because you’re motivated to get to those days when you can take OFF (be it vacation or retirement), I think many of us can agree that more time & effort is spent in the WORKING than it is in the ENJOYING.  The payoff doesn't quite seem proportionate.

And that brings me to my point.  I’ll work hard for a month in order to get 3 wonderful days with my family.  I’ll work hard for 50 weeks, in order to get just 2 weeks to completely focus on my loved ones.  Even if you’re working hard for 45 years, in order to get 20 years of retirement, God is offering us so much more.  God is asking us to work hard for 80 years of life (your mileage may vary), in order to get AN ETERNITY of absolute ecstasy.  If we work the short years of our lives on this earth, we are going to get to spend billions and billions of years with Him in heaven.  Those are some pretty amazing odds, and an infinitely amazing payoff.

Whether your burden for today is in an office, on a jobsite, flying somewhere, surrounded by kids, running errands, or anything else…can you make it through today’s difficulties, with the simple knowledge that you’re going to get a paycheck on Friday, or a day off on Monday, or a vacation next summer?  If so, how easy should it be to make it through just one lifetime of faithfulness, in order to be able to enjoy WONDERS THAT WE CAN’T EVEN IMAGINE…forever.  FOREVER! 

Are you working for a big, comfortable house now?  The dwelling place the Lord has prepared for us is beyond our comprehension!  Plus, I understand he was a pretty good carpenter, so I’ll bet the millwork is awesome.  Are you working hard just to get to the days where you can relax, and enjoy your loved ones?  In heaven, we will be rejoined with all of the beloved faithful, and we’ll experience His amazing love as well.  If we can rationalize putting in our worldly work on earth for the small payoff we see in return, then we should easily be able to run towards the spiritual work we’re called to, knowing that God’s reward for us is so huge.

Whatever else you do today, make sure that you're working for the good Boss, and keeping His teachings as your mission statement.  If you put in a (relatively) short time working for Him, you’ll get to vacation with Him for the rest of eternity.  And you’ll be fully vested in a benefits package that is beyond your wildest dreams!

Written By: Matt Buehrig
Inspired By: Time With My Family

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