So as many of you can attest, I am no biblical scholar. I normally digest scripture in small palatable bites, like a Pinterest motivational poster. I'm realizing that I miss out on some amazing stories when I don't actually "read" the Bible. Recently I did some research after a reading in mass caught my attention. I came across a podcast that helped me put all the pieces together, and I thought it was worth sharing.
The book of Daniel has a lot of great narratives. The Lion’s Den, the three men who survive the fiery furnace, the writing on the wall. The book in a lot of ways serves as a template for our ancestors, as well as all of us today, to understand who Jesus was.
This book of the bible is referred to as apocalyptic literature. Apocalyptic doesn’t necessarily point to the end of the world, but a pulling back of the veil. In Latin pulling back the “velum”. Apocalyptic is about revealing something; showing a new world.
The story I found so interesting was about King Nebuchadnezzar. He had a dream that really disturbed him and he couldn't sleep until he found out what it meant. None of his wise men or fortune tellers could decipher it so all of them were to be put to death. Daniel, an Israelite from Judah was grouped in with these magicians to be executed. He asked God to reveal the dream and its meaning in prayer so he could approach the king. His prayer was granted.
The dream was of a statue made of a variety of substances. The head was of gold, the breast and arms are of silver, it’s belly and thighs of brass, and the feet of clay. A stone that was cut from a mountainside and not by human hands was hurled at the statue, destroying it.
Daniel immediately, confidently explained the meaning of the dream to Nebuchadnezzar. The statue represented several different kingdoms that would follow one upon the other, until ultimately they would be replaced by a kingdom created by God - 'not made by human hands'.
7thchapter in the book of Daniel, this prophecy is reinforced with a dream that Daniel himself now has. Four great beasts come out of the sea. The first a lion, the second like a bear, the third a leopard and the fourth a terrible animal with ten horns and teeth like iron. Weird dream. Then the “Ancient Days” (God) took his thrown and thousands ministered to him. The four beasts had the power of dominion taken from them. Then Daniel sees one, “Like the son of man”, coming on the clouds of heaven. He arrives at the throne and is given dominion power and glory and all nations will serve him.
There is a reference again of four kingdoms that will succeed one another and a final kingdom, not of human origin that will come to be. At the head of it will be a heavenly figure who is like the Son of Man.
These two dreams confirm one another. Something is being revealed here.
When will all of this take place? Look at the 9thChapter of the book of Daniel. This isn’t a dream, but a direct angelic revelation. Daniel, like all pious Jews follow the teaching of Jeremiah, learned that the restoration of Jerusalem will happen after seventy years. Keep in mind Israel was taken away by the Babylonians. The most traumatic event in the history of Israel. September 11th times 1,000. The temple was destroyed and the leadership taken off into exile.
Jeramiah said after 70 years the new kingdom would arrive. Daniel like all of the Israelites are wondering, what gives? Is God’s promise going to deliver? It’s been way past 70 years.
The angel Gabriel appears to Daniel. Gabriel explains to Daniel that this means 70 weeks of years. Keep in mind the ancient Israelites loved playing with numbers and number symbolism. So 70 X 7 is 490 years.
Ok, what would a Jew whose been reading the book of Daniel be expecting? They would be expecting four wicked kingdoms to rise and fall before a final kingdom would be ushered in. Furthermore, they would be expecting this about 500 years after the Babylonian captivity which took place at around 500 B.C. Imagine living in the first century. They have seen four kingdoms emerge. Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. They knew they were living around 500 years after the captivity. Can you see why there was so much expectation for the Messiah at that time?
And then what happens? Out of the hills of Galilee comes a prophet who is preaching of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is arriving is a way to fulfil the prophecy in the book of Daniel.
Finally, think of the words Jesus himself spoke to the Sanhedrin after he was arrested. They ask, “Are you the messiah?” Jesus answers, “I am.” “And you will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven.” He is directly citing Daniel chapter 7. He is claiming that he himself is the human divine figure, that after the fall of the four kingdoms, would be given dominion.
This is the great unveiling of a kingdom not made by human hands who succeeds a series of fallen kingdoms and has a dominion that lasts forever.
The mission of the church, from its beginning up to today is to continue to pull back the veil and reveal this great truth.
As we approach the Advent season, we too will wait for the Messiah to come. May the season be filled with that anticipation as well as the faith that our divinely appointed church will withstand these turbulent times.
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