by Fred Vilbig
I want to consider for a moment something that I think is very interesting: Jesus prayed. Jesus prayed throughout His ministry. He would get up early in the morning and go pray. (Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16.) Jesus prayed before major events such as the miracles of the loaves and the raising of the dead. (Mark 6:46, John 11:41-42.) He prayed all night before choosing the apostles. (Luke 6:12-13.) In addition, Jesus thought that prayer was so important that He took the time to teach his disciples how to pray, and He gave us the Our Father. The Evangelists thought this was important enough to mention in the Gospels.
But this also raises a question: what did Jesus pray? The only thing that the Gospels say is that Jesus went off alone to pray, but it doesn’t really tell us anything more. I am sure that he was in deep contemplative prayer being fully human. I don’t know how accessible that would be to us. But I think there is another possibility.
When Jesus was hanging on the Cross, he cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?” That troubled me for a long time. How could God the Father have forsaken His Son, Jesus, with whom he was united in his very substance? That made no sense to me. Our God is One and Three, but He is still One. How could the Son be separated from the Father?