I often face intriguing challenges from colleagues and friends who are either fundamentalists or do not believe God exists; questioning how I can live in Catholic faith especially when they consider much of the faith as “waffling in her understanding.” In today’s “data” driven mindsets, everything’s measured, tested and presented as if individuals or children are mere sets of algorithms. (some day stat folks will conclude people are far greater than the sums of their parts!!! Hopefully this conclusion arrives sooner rather than later.) Many have allowed concrete thought, certitudes to harden relationships and crystalize their spirituality. As a society, we witness politicians and the media sensationalize and polarize to extremes. Growing numbers of people would rather live in fundamental rigidity or denial of God’s existence, paralyzed to move forward until the “data” is in. Both groups fail to live fluidly in thought and faith. Mark Twain said, “It is not what you don’t know that harms you, it is what you know for certain – and it just ain’t true.” (As a Twain fan, I doubt his pronouncement of atheism … as he used paradox to refute fundamentalism but not a Creator… “Letters from the Earth” is a good read)
As I limit my understanding of Jesus with boundaries and I attempt to grow comfortable … a familiar (b/c I do this far too often) discomfort creeps from around the corner. Why? My faith, our faith and Jesus in it oozes with paradox. I find more people building comfortable boundaries … unwilling to live … to explore … to immerse themselves in Paradox. Paradox makes me uncomfortable. Paradox makes Church uncomfortable … and from discomfort comes growth!